What is Natural Way to Treat Nasal Polyps without side effects ?


Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a major health care problem that affects from 0.5% to 4% of the generalpopulation Nasalo Polyps leads to high management costs and poor quality of life of affected subjects and shows a wide diversity ofinflammatory  phenotypes.  

Studies  have  demonstrated  thateosinophil infiltration and TH2-biased cytokine profiles are keyfeatures of white patients with  Nasalo Polyps whereas nasal polyps  from southern Chinese patients have been shown to becharacterized by neutrophilic inflammation and a significant increase in TH1/TH17 cell pattern.

Given the inflammatory nature of Nasal Polyps, corticosteroids aretypically regarded as the mainstay of medical treatment forthis condition.Although topical intranasal steroid sprayshave  proved  to  be an effective  treatment  for  Nasal polyps and maintain a minimal risk profile,long-term administration of nasal spray is necessary to obtain apersistent therapeutic effect. 

Furthermore, despite providing more potent and rapid benefits in controlling inflammation associated with nasal polyps , systemic corticosteroids have significantside effects, such as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dys-function. Thus a need has arisen for an alternative topical therapy in patients with CRS. 

Next : Natural way to treat nasal polyps at home

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